the candy man

“entrepreneurial, cheeky, patient, and funny”


Aka "The CandyMan" has been selling candy on the streets of Birmingham for 40+ years. He receives government assistance, but it isn't enough to cover caregiver costs. Every donation helps.

Thank you for spreading the love 🍭


who’s donnie?

“Donnie is a perennial presence in Birmingham. He sells candy at various locations in Birmingham, seven days a week, all day long. He's always open. In one of our first conversations, Donnie laid out his vision for being the owner of a huge candy shop one day…

When Donnie's working, it's not merely transactional: the sale of candy. There are richer moments of connection.

He's never saying, "Hey, slow down, you blew past me again, I'm using a computer, and I'm trying to respond to you." He's never once spoken to me about his cerebral palsy and how it shapes his day to day. Unless I inquire. He just asks me how I'm doing and has helped us with this project each time we needed it. It doesn't take a mathematician to tell that Donnie's doing more work in relationships with others than most are in return. Meeting him has taught me things that allow me to try to meet Donnie half way. I still don't do the best job, but of course Donnie is there to make up the difference so seamlessly. Not that he would ever point that out.”

-By Liz Hildreth, as told by filmmaker Jennifer Crandall



years donnie’s been at it

Donnie, "The CandyMan," has been selling candy on the streets of Birmingham for over 40 years, 7 days a week.



caregiver needed

Although Donnie receives government assistance, it isn't enough to cover his 24/7 caregiver costs.



what it takes to make a difference

Help make a difference in the life of this unique and amazing soul who makes such a difference in the lives of so many!